
Training in Korea

Korea Derma and November Training in Korea


From 1st to 3rd of November in the center of Seoul, the international congress Korea Derma 2024
was held in K-Hotel. As part of the Bella-Systech internship, doctor users of our company's devices
took part in the congress

Dr. Ekaterina Gutop presented her work experience on the advanced HIFU device Ultaformer MPT.
Dr. Alim Nogerov presented in his presentation the advantages of combined procedure
Lutronic Genius and LaseMD Ultra.

In continuation of the congress, our group underwent training at Classys Academy on the latest
technologies such as Ultraformar MPT and Volnewmer.


The training continued at Lutronic, South Korea's premier laser technology company.
At the end of the training, the doctors participated in a program to explore Seoul and the traditions of Korea.
We express our gratitude to each member of the group for their great interest and active
participation in the program and look forward to new meetings.